897-90015 Hellermann Tyton HellermannTyton 897-90015 Cable Routing Tool Rod Attachment - Magnet

Part Nnumber
HellermannTyton 897-90015 Cable Routing Tool Rod Attachment - Magnet
Hellermann Tyton
Basic price
9,23 EUR

The product with part number 897-90015 (HellermannTyton 897-90015 Cable Routing Tool Rod Attachment - Magnet) is from company Hellermann Tyton and distributed with basic unit price 9,23 EUR. Minimal order quantity is 1 pc.

Routing Tool TypeRod Attachment - Magnet Product Details Cable Rod Strong Magnet The Cable Rod Strong Magnet is a helpful tool which can lift objects up to 2.5kg in weight and can be used in conjunction with the cable rod chain to aid location. Cable Routing

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